The Carriage House

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Содержание книги - The Carriage House Carla Neggers

The Carriage House - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carla Neggers, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Fun and a little hard work.That’s all Tess Haviland had in mind when Ike Grantham paid her for her graphic design work with the run-down, nineteenth-century carriage house on Boston’s North Shore. Then Ike disappeared, and now Tess finds herself with much more than a simple weekend project to get her out of the city. It’s not just the rumors that the carriage house is haunted–it’s the neighbors: six-year-old Dolly Thorne, her reclusive baby-sitter, Harley Beckett…and especially Dolly’s father, Andrew Thorne, who has his own ideas about why Tess has turned up next door.But when Tess discovers a human skeleton in her dirt cellar, she begins to ask questions about the history of the carriage house, the untimely death of Andrew’s wife…and Ike’s disappearance. Questions a desperate killer wants to silence before the truth reveals that someone got away with murder.

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