Goes Down Easy

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - Goes Down Easy Alison Kent

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Jack Montgomery is out of his element. The former covert ops hero is now carving out a living as a P.I., specializing in missing persons. Except the trail's gone stone-cold on the Eckhardt kidnapping just as Jack hits sizzling New Orleans. To top it off, some psychic woman is making wild claims–and newspaper headlines–on his case, no less.Perry Brazille knows her aunt can help Jack–Della has solved crimes before with her unexplained visions. Even Perry herself can glimpse the future, and she is afraid that she and the mysterious sexy Jack will be lovers…soon. What Perry can't see is the kind of future that can build on a hot and steamy fling. One that's set against a dangerous situation that's clearly unraveling…

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