Crazy For Love

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Содержание книги - Crazy For Love Victoria Dahl

Crazy For Love - описание и краткое содержание, автор Victoria Dahl, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Chloe Turner thought she was going to marry the perfect man – until her fiancé’s plane crashed. And then she got the really bad news: he’d tried to fake his own death to avoid marrying her.Now America’s most famous bridezilla (a tag she most definitely does not deserve), Chloe escapes to a remote island to avoid the paparazzi. And right next door is a man who just might be the cure for Chloe’s heartache.…A magnet for wild, complicated women, Max Sullivan is relieved to have finally found someone “normal.” Chloe is his girl-next-door fantasy come to life, and best of all, she gets him. With her, he can be himself, a treasure-hunting millionaire who desperately wants out of his sexy, but reckless, job. But when Chloe’s notoriety catches up with them, will their torrid romance make it to the mainland?“[A] smashing success, filled with a titillating combination of sexual fantasy and suspense.” –Booklist on Talk Me Down

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