Making Babies

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Содержание книги - Making Babies Wendy Warren

Making Babies - описание и краткое содержание, автор Wendy Warren, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

MAKING PLANS, MAKING FRIENDS…MAKING A BABY?Elaine Lowry is a divorcée with a plan: to have a baby on her own. Why shouldn't she have the child she always dreamed of–the child her ex-husband is now having with his new wife! As if it's not enough that he's taken the house and, with it, her social standing.Enter sinfully handsome lawyer-for-the-opposing side Mitch Ryder. Feeling guilty about the part he played in Elaine's divorce, he takes over as landlord on her apartment before it's sold right from under her. Mitch offers himself as a daddy candidate on one condition: their marriage needs to be all business. But Mitch can't help the tender protective feelings he has for Elaine, especially when they make love for the first time. And besides, who says business comes before pleasure?

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