A Tempestuous Temptation

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Содержание книги - A Tempestuous Temptation CATHY WILLIAMS

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When you’re caught in a snowstorm, there’s only one way to warm up… An outrageous accusation of being a fortune-hunter is Aggie’s excruciating introduction to billionaire Luiz Diaz. And things take a turn for the worse when she finds herself snowbound with the arrogant Brazilian! They are forced to seek shelter whilst the snowstorm swirls around them, and Luiz does nothing to dismiss Aggie’s initial opinion of him.Yes, he’s unbearably arrogant. Yes, he’s just as irresistible as he thinks he is! And, infuriatingly, however merciless his reputation, it seems she’s not as immune to his legendary lethal charm as she’d hoped…‘This is fantastic! Beautifully written. You have to experience this book.’ – Fariza, Lawyer, Liverpool

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