The Other Wife

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Содержание книги - The Other Wife Shirley Jump

The Other Wife - описание и краткое содержание, автор Shirley Jump, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The last person she expected to see at her husband's funeral was his wife!But having learned her husband apparently bought his engagement rings in bulk, Penny Reynolds is shocked out of her well-ordered world. She can't bring herself to hate his «wife,» Susan, or toss his amazing piano-playing dog (another surprise) out on his rump. Still, she can get answers as to why her hubby led his secret life. All it takes is a little persuading before she and Susan embark on the trip of a lifetime with Harvey the Wonder Dog in tow.As the two travel the show-dog circuit, Penny learns not just how to teach the dog to sing «The Star-Spangled Banner,» but also how to let go. She finds her answers (some less welcome than others). But thanks to her ex's legacy and Harvey's «amazing» trainer, Penny's ready to run with whatever curveball life throws at her!

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