Burning Up

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Содержание книги - Burning Up Sarah Mayberry

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Somebody get some ice. . . it's steamy in here!Spending a month as personal chef for an overindulged–and mouthwatering–man? Sophie Gallagher is so up for the challenge. She's immune to charm. . . or so she thinks. Because when big-screen star Lucas Grant turns up the temptation, she discovers–up close and personal–he's earned the name hottest man alive.Sophie is fun, vivacious and couldn't be further from Lucas's bimbo bombshell type. Much to his surprise, she's captivated him. But as sizzling as they are between the sheets, once his hiatus is over, the credits will roll on this fling. Saying goodbye, however, isn't as easy as he'd thought.Will this production be The End of the Affair. . . or Love Actually?

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