Luke's Proposal

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Содержание книги - Luke's Proposal Lois Faye Dyer

Luke's Proposal - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lois Faye Dyer, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

He' s the last man in the world she should even be talking to. But Rachel Kerrigan needs rancher Luke McCloud' s help–despite the fact that their families have been feuding for as long as the Hatfields and McCoys.To get back the land the Kerrigans stole from his family generations ago, Luke is more than willing to turn Rachel' s unruly horse into a champion. And they both agree it' s strictly business. So what if Luke is the hottest cowboy Rachel' s ever seen? Or that the memory of the one kiss they shared years ago haunts her dreams? Luke' s trying to get Rachel' s horse under control–but the rising attraction between them could prove much harder to rein in!

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