Something's Gotta Give

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Содержание книги - Something's Gotta Give Teresa Southwick

Something's Gotta Give - описание и краткое содержание, автор Teresa Southwick, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The whole thing was rigged! What else would you expect from lawyers and a judge with family connections? Former detective Sam Owen Brimstone was not looking for work, but now he was stuck with it and had to admit that in this case, the body he was assigned to guard was an awfully attractive one.Too bad that curvy, petite Jamie Gibson was a lawyer and, true to her profession, persistent in getting answers. But Sam's initials weren't S.O.B. for nothing. Tempted as he was, he wasn't about to let Jamie sweet talk him, that is, until circumstances took a turn for the worse and the job suddenly became personal.

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