The Slow Regard of Silent Things (мST BestAuthor) Rothfuss

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Год издания: 2016
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Содержание книги - The Slow Regard of Silent Things (мST BestAuthor) Rothfuss Ротфусс Патрик

The Slow Regard of Silent Things (мST BestAuthor) Rothfuss - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ротфусс Патрик, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The University, a renowned bastion of knowledge, attracts the brightest minds to unravel the mysteries of enlightened sciences like artificing and alchemy. Yet deep below its bustling halls lies a complex and cavernous maze of abandoned rooms and ancient passageways - and in the heart of it all lives Auri.Formerly a student at the University, now Auri spends her days tending the world around her. She has learned that some mysteries are best left settled and safe. No longer fooled by the sharp rationality so treasured by the University, Auri sees beyond the surface of things, into subtle dangers and hidden names.At once joyous and haunting, THE SLOW REGARD OF SILENT THINGS is a rich, atmospheric and lyrical tale, featuring one of the most beloved characters from Rothfuss' acclaimed fantasy series..................

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