Is It Really Too Much To Ask? The World According to Clarkson Volume Five

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Год издания: 2019
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Содержание книги - Is It Really Too Much To Ask? The World According to Clarkson Volume Five Clarkson Jeremy, Кларксон Джереми

Is It Really Too Much To Ask? The World According to Clarkson Volume Five - описание и краткое содержание, автор Clarkson Jeremy, Кларксон Джереми, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Well, someone's got to do it: in a world which simply will not see reason, Jeremy sets off on another quest to beat a path of sense through all the silliness and idiocy.And there's no knowign what might catch Jeremy's eye along the way. It could be:-The merits of Stonehenge as a business model-Why all meetings are a waste of time-The theft of the Queen's cows-One Norwegian man's unique approach to showing his gratitude-Fitting a burglar alarm to a tortoise-Or how Lou Reed was completely wrong about what makes a perfect day.Pithy and provocative, this is Clarkson at his best, taking issue with whatever nonsense gets in the way of his search for all that's worth celebrating. Why should we be forced to accept stuff that's a bit rubbish? Shouldn't things work? Why doesn't someone care? I mean, is it really too much to ask?It's a good thing we've still got Jeremy out there, still looking, without fear or favour, for the answers.

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