Big Bad Biteasaurus is the biggest baddest bully. He frightens all the other dinosaurs with his big, bad bite. Until one day the other dinosaurs have had enough. Big Bad Biteasaurus is going to have to be nice - even if it means a trip to the dentist!This roaringly funny story from award-winning author Malachy Doyle is perfect for children who are learning to read by themselves and for Key Stage 1. It features engaging illustrations from David Creighton-Pester and quirky characters young readers will find hard to resist.Bloomsbury Young Readers are the perfect way to get children reading, with book-banded stories by brilliant authors like Julia Donaldson. They are packed with gorgeous colour illustrations and include inside cover notes to help adults reading with children, as well as ideas for activities related to the stories.Book Band: PurpleIdeal for ages 6+
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Автор | А. Онихимовская |
Жанр | Детская литература |
Год | 2020 |
Автор | Ульева Елена Александровна |
Жанр | Детская литература |
Год | 2020 |
Жанр | Детская литература |
Автор | Ляля Кандаурова |
Жанр | Детская литература |
Год | 2020 |
Автор | Шнайдер Л., Лиана Шнайдер |
Жанр | Детская литература |
Год | 2019 |
Автор | Т. Онибучи |
Жанр | Детская литература |
Год | 2021 |