The Fifth Elephant

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Содержание книги - The Fifth Elephant Pratchett T.

The Fifth Elephant - описание и краткое содержание, автор Pratchett T., читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A beautiful hardback edition of the classic Discworld novel

They say that diplomacy is a gentle art. That mastering it is a lifetimes work. But you do need a certain inclination in that direction. Its not something you can just pick up on the job.

A few days ago Sam Vimes was a copper - an important copper, true - chief of police - but still, at his core, a policeman. But today he is an ambassador - to the mysterious, fat-rich country of Uberwald. Today, Sam Vimes is also a man on the run.

He has nothing but his native wit and the gloomy trousers of Uncle Vanya (dont ask). Its snowing. Its freezing. And if he cant make it through the forest to civilization theres going to be a terrible war.

There are monsters on his trail. Theyre bright. Theyre fast. Theyre werewolves - and theyre catching up.

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