Callaway Gardens: the unending season

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Год издания: 1973
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Содержание книги - Callaway Gardens: the unending season Pirtle C.

Callaway Gardens: the unending season - описание и краткое содержание, автор Pirtle C., читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Издание на английском языке.Callaway Gardens: The Unending Season by Caleb Pirtle III.Caleb Pirtle III began his career writing about history and travel.He learned quickly, however, that what happens is never as important as those who make it happen.Many of those people have made their way into his novels.Pirtle is the author of more than 65 published books, including the new noir suspense thrillers, "Golgotha Connection," "Secrets of the Dead," "Conspiracy of Lies," and "Night Side of Dark.His other novels, include "Deadline," and "Little Lies." He has written such award winners as "XIT: The American Cowboy," "Callaway Gardens: the Unending Season," "The Grandest Day," "Echoes from Forgotten Streets," and "Spirit of a Winner." His nonfiction works include Gamble in the Devil's Chalk and No Experience Required.He earned a journalism degree from The University of Texas and became the first student at the university to win the national William Randolph Hearst Award for feature writing.As

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