Make Your Garden Feed You

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Содержание книги - Make Your Garden Feed You E. T. Brown

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Looking for a purchase that combines your horticultural bent with your desire to save money? This brilliantly titled book does exactly what it says on the tin.Time travel back to the forties with this unique facsimile of a genuine archive title. Let horticultural expert E.T. Brown teach you how to get the most out of your garden, and slash your shopping budget at the same time.In this specially restored and reproduced book, you will learn:o How to grow berries and tomatoeso How to prepare an herb bedo The best way to keep birds and mice from your peas, and other enemies of your flower bedo How to utilise bees to get not only honey, but also fine fruito What to think about when sourcing manure from poultry and rabbitsUniform with this volume: Sew and Save o Food facts for the Kitchen Front o The Archive Collection – because good advice never goes out of date.

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