The Fantasy Factor

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Содержание книги - The Fantasy Factor Kimberly Raye

The Fantasy Factor - описание и краткое содержание, автор Kimberly Raye, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

It's always hot in Texas–especially when the Jericho brothers come to town…Sarah Buchanan can't help but remember the wild times she once had with bull rider Houston Jericho. They shared a first together–watching a porn flick–and then set out to reenact the seven different erotic scenes in the film called The Fantasy Factor. But they'd only enjoyed the first three carnal fantasies before Houston left town. Since then, Sarah has left her wild ways behind her. But she's always regretted not finishing what she and Houston started….Twelve years later, Houston is back–every bit the bad boy he was all those years ago. And he aims to convince the bad girl in Sarah to come out and play once again.How can Sarah pass up the chance for more sexual adventures with Houston? After all, they both want to relive the fantasy. The Fantasy Factor. And it's going to be fantastic….

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