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Содержание книги - Deceived Nicola Cornick

Deceived - описание и краткое содержание, автор Nicola Cornick, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Rumor has it a certain notorious Princess has not a feather to fly and is looking for a gentleman to ease her financial worries. Perhaps the Earl of S. is the man she seeks…. – The Gentleman's Mercury, 1816Princess Isabella never imagined it could come to this. Bad enough she faces imprisonment for debts not her own. Even worse that she must make a hasty marriage of convenience with Marcus, the Earl of Stockhaven–the man she'd loved and lost so long ago. But that he now wants revenge by demanding she be his in more than name only…well, that is simply intolerable!As the London gossips eagerly gather to watch the fun, Isabella struggles to maintain a polite distance in her marriage. But the more Isabella challenges Marcus's iron determination, the hotter their passion burns. This time, will it consume them both–or fuel a love greater than they dare dream?

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