Just One Taste

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Содержание книги - Just One Taste Victoria Dahl

Just One Taste - описание и краткое содержание, автор Victoria Dahl, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Nothing tastes sweeter than forbidden fruit.And Lucas Broussard has forbidden written all over him. From the top of his dark head on down, his designer suits cover the heart of a rebel – and lots of secrets. Socialite dropout Vanessa Douglas should know, because she's got a kindred spirit.Despite how alluring he is, Vanessa really must resist. After all, her fledgling catering business depends on being welcomed back into the family fold. . . and their endless fund-raisers and formal dinners. It's an entrepreneur's dream, even though toeing the social line is a tad, uh, restrictive.Still, a single night with Lucas won't be her downfall, will it? Surely she could indulge just this once, then return to playing good girl in the morning. Too bad once is not enough with this man. And even more devastating than his bedroom charm are the secrets he's about to reveal. . . .

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