Dr Velascos' Unexpected Baby

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Содержание книги - Dr Velascos' Unexpected Baby Dianne Drake

Dr Velascos' Unexpected Baby - описание и краткое содержание, автор Dianne Drake, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Enter into the world of high-flying Doctors as they navigate the pressures of modern medicine and find escape, passion, comfort and love – in each other’s arms!Single Dad: Wife and Mother Needed Dr Arabella Burke has come to Peru to establish a much-needed medical centre. Warmly welcomed by the community, the only unwelcome distraction is her instant attraction to world-class surgeon Gabriel Velascos…Gabriel never planned on coming home, returning only to care for his orphaned baby niece. Arabella meant to keep her distance, but the sight of the powerful surgeon cradling his tiny orphaned niece melts Arabella’s resolve not to imagine a future with Gabriel and his adorable charge…

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