Colorado Wildfire

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Содержание книги - Colorado Wildfire Cassie Miles

Colorado Wildfire - описание и краткое содержание, автор Cassie Miles, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

HE CAME BACK A DIFFERENT MANThe last time Sheriff Samantha Calloway saw her husband was hours before he’d been pulled under by rapids. It wasn’t until Wade came to her rescue during a mountain ambush that she knew he was alive. His return was a painful reminder of time lost, which had left their daughter fatherless. For a year he’d worked to expose law enforcement corruption… and now cartel assassins were gunning for his family. Before, Samantha trusted no one more than Wade. If they could finish his assignment together, perhaps they’d find a fresh start. And his presence by her side sure made it hard to resist falling into old habits…

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