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Содержание книги - Firstborn Lindsay McKenna

Firstborn - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lindsay McKenna, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Jason Trayhern wore his father's glorious military legacy like a thorny crown. Though a skilled fighter pilot himself, Jason's rebel tactics didn't sit well with his commanding officers.They expected more from Morgan Trayhern's son, which was why they gave Jason another chance. But that chance felt like a death sentence. For Jason was going into combat with a new partner. And she was all too…female.A handsome, arrogant daredevil was the last thing Annie Dazen needed in her cockpit. But once she saw the wounded heart beneath Jason's tough-guy facade, she longed to heal him. And once she discovered the passion in this brooding soldier's touch, she longed to hold him tight. Now the stakes were higher. Because if she hoped to see a future with her would-be hero, they needed to survive their dangerous mission first!

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