The Russian's Ultimatum

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Содержание книги - The Russian's Ultimatum Michelle Smart

The Russian's Ultimatum - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Smart, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

He’ll make her an offer…Pascha Virshilas is on the brink of securing personal redemption when Emily Richardson breaks into his office and steals private company documents. And then she has the gall to blackmail him into clearing her father’s name!She can’t refuse!But Pascha has his own terms. He’ll keep his side of the bargain, but the enticing Emily must accompany him to his private island—the only place he can ensure her silence. But in the midst of a tropical storm the wind blows aside suspicions and secrets to reveal something much more dangerous: lust!Praise for The Russian's Ultimatum"This Caribbean island-set romance is enchanting. The hacking/thieving heroine and control-freak hero’s seemingly implausible romance is remedied by their beautifully meshing personalities." – 4.5* RT Book Review“A well-conceived, fast-moving plot and appealing, sympathetic hero and heroine make this a great read” – Janet Schneider, NetGalley

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