Lead Me On

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Содержание книги - Lead Me On Victoria Dahl

Lead Me On - описание и краткое содержание, автор Victoria Dahl, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Opposites don't just attract, they combust in this daring and sexy reader-favourite story from USA TODAY best selling author Victoria Dahl…Raw, animal magnetism is a big red flag to prim and proper office manager Jane Morgan. After a rough childhood with a mother who liked her men in prison jump-suit orange, Jane changed her name, her look and her taste for bad boys. So why is she lusting for William Chase with his tattoo-covered biceps and steel-toed boots? The man blows things up for a living!She gives herself one explosive, fantasy-filled night with Chase. The next day it's back to plain Jane and safe men. But when her beloved brother becomes a murder suspect,it's Chase who comes to her rescue. And Jane discovers that a man who's been around the block knows a thing or two about uncovering the truth…

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