Getting Rid of Bradley

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Содержание книги - Getting Rid of Bradley Jennifer Crusie

Getting Rid of Bradley - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jennifer Crusie, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Lucy Savage is not having a good week. Her cheating husband, Bradley, lobbed the final insult when he stood her up in divorce court.A dye job gone wrong has left her hair green. And someone is trying to kill her. To top it off, sexy cop Zack Warren is certain that the very same man Lucy is trying to wash right out of her hair is the same Bradley he wants to arrest for embezzlement.When someone shoots at her and then her car blows up, Zack decides she needs twenty-four-hour police protection. Next thing Lucy knows, Zack has moved in to her big Victorian house, making them both sleepless…and not just from things that go bump in the night!

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