She's No Angel

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Содержание книги - She's No Angel Leslie Kelly

She's No Angel - описание и краткое содержание, автор Leslie Kelly, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

If only he'd taken another route to Trouble, Pennsylvania. Then he'd never have rescued a tire-iron-toting, drop-dead-gorgeous woman whose crazy aunts had stolen her shoes and keys and left her more than a little pissed off.There was no way he was ready to get involved with someone like Jennifer, let alone the decades-old murder case swirling around her nutty family!But writer Jennifer Feeney was one provocative package. And her latest bestseller had stirred up a whole lot of trouble. Which meant that, between rescuing her again and again, Mike had fallen for her, big-time. Just the way he'd promised himself he wouldn't. Now it looks as if her family's past is going to catch up with both of them, and it's time for Mike to choose–solve the case–or get the girl.

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