Falling for the Teacher

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - Falling for the Teacher Tracy Kelleher

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Getting shot in a robbery shattered more than Katarina Zemanova's knee.Once an up-and-coming power executive she's realizing that recuperating her confidence, and her trust in people, is a lot harder than she expected. Teaching night school in the sleepy town where she grew up with her «go get 'em» grandmother seems like a good first step. But when Ben Brown bursts into class, that step becomes a giant leap. George Benjamin Brown is no star student.He's a recovering cynic with a newfound teenage son, Matt, and trust issues of his own. Matt sneaks off to enroll in Katarina's class, and Ben storms in to teach him a lesson, but is instead captured by Katarina. And it's the start of a learning experience none of them ever saw coming.

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