The Rancher's Surrender

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Содержание книги - The Rancher's Surrender Jill Shalvis

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In the first book of New York Times best-selling author Jill Shalvis's classic series, The Heirs to the Triple M, three women practically raised as sisters discover one of them has inherited a ranch. But which one?Zoe Martin vowed not to let the Triple M ranch slip into Ty Jackson's hands. Although his smooth charm brought most women to their knees, Zoe didn't trust him. After all, he'd wanted the ranch for himself, and Zoe wasn't about to let him take what could be her only chance for a true home.It's obvious to Ty that Zoe needs help—the woman is a complete greenhorn. But working side by side with Zoe is dangerous. She makes him feel strong and wild and crazy. Crazy enough, maybe, to offer her the home she craves…

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