The Big Heat

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Содержание книги - The Big Heat JENNIFER LABRECQUE

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This big, bad bounty hunter can handle anything. Or can he? Cade Stone can't believe Sunny Templeton. How did one sexy woman manage to get into so much trouble? Okay, so maybe she tried to take out a politician with her car. Who wouldn't do the same thing? But now it's landed her in jail, and the local media is out for blood. He's got to help her. That's just the kind of guy he is…Sunny thinks being in the slammer is bad…until she's bailed out by tall, dark and dangerous Cade Stone. The bounty hunter has starred in her nightly fantasies for weeks–and now he's offering to take her home? He might call it «protective custody,» but for Sunny, it's an invitation to see if this bad man is as good as she thinks he is…

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