Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty

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Содержание книги - Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty Lyudmila Ananieva

Essential Oils For Your Health And Beauty - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lyudmila Ananieva, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

This book offers you: Essential oils are of great interest for cosmetology. By means of vegetable/fruit oils it is possible to solve a set of dermatologic problems. The most various cosmetology procedures are carried out with use of essential oils since they make bactericidal impact on skin, hair, nails condition. Skin needs more moistening and nutrition with age. And also protection against influence of the sun, wind, frost. It is better to switch gradually to natural essential oils for care of face skin and body, and at the same time they can be useful for prophylaxis of various diseases.

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