Italian Bachelors: Irresistible Sicilians

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Содержание книги - Italian Bachelors: Irresistible Sicilians Michelle Smart

Italian Bachelors: Irresistible Sicilians - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Smart, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Irresistible SiciliansLuca MastrangeloGrace Holden’s millionaire Sicilian husband has found her! She swore that her daughter wouldn’t grow up amid the dark power and money of Luca Mastrangelo. Yet seeing him again, Grace is surprised by the new depths of the man she married – and that makes it harder to fight her desire.Pepe MastrangeloCara Delany shouldn’t have been surprised when Pepe Mastrangelo – world-renowned playboy – disappeared after their unforgettable night, leaving only X-rated memories… But four months later, with more than herself to think of, she’s forced to face the sexy Sicilian again.Francesco CalvettiHannah has lived a sheltered existence, but there’s one man who can tick off her to-do list. But will the gorgeous Sicilian oblige her? Untouched women like Hannah Chapman have no place in Francesco Calvetti’s world. He doesn’t do damsels in distress – except maybe once…

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