Dash of Peril

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Содержание книги - Dash of Peril Lori Foster

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A no-nonsense female cop reluctantly teams up with the one man who makes her lose control in a deliciously sensual new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori FosterTo bring down a sleazy abduction ring, Lieutenant Margaret «Margo» Peterson has set herself up as bait. But recruiting Dashiel Riske as her unofficial partner is a whole other kind of danger. Dash is six feet four inches of laid-back masculine charm, a man who loves life–and women–to the limit. Until Margo is threatened, and he reveals a dark side that may just match her own….Beneath Margo's tough facade is a slow-burning sexiness that drives Dash crazy. The only way to finish this case is to work together side by side…skin to skin. And as their mission takes a lethal turn, he'll have to prove he's all the man she needs–in all the ways that matter….

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