Slow Talkin' Texan

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Содержание книги - Slow Talkin' Texan Mary Lynn Baxter

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MAN of the MonthMR. NOVEMBERThe Problem: Sexy single dad Porter Wyman was a Texan born and bred, but this tycoon's fortune was no help in his current predicament. If he didn't get some assistance with baby Matthew soon, he was going to run for the hills.The Solution: Ellen Sexton. She was silk to his denim. Lace to his leather. And whether she knew it or not, she was the perfect woman to cuddle little Mathew – not to mention his dad!Next Steps: Convince this independent filly that settling down to a ready-made family was the trail to a tried-and-true happily-ever-after.Man of the Month: This Texas tycoon was used to getting what he wanted, and what he wanted now… was Ellen!

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