Long-Lost Mom

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Содержание книги - Long-Lost Mom Jill Shalvis

Long-Lost Mom - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jill Shalvis, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

A classic novel of second chances and redemption from New York Times best-selling author Jill Shalvis.Single mom Jenna Loggins came from the wrong side of the tracks, but she'd vowed to give her beloved baby a better life. So ten years ago desperate Jenna fled, leaving her daughter in the care of Stone Cameron, the child's father and the son of the richest family in town.But a near-fatal car crash has given Jenna a second chance to make things right for the man and the child she loved but left behind. Now Jenna's back—with a new name and face—and Stone is drawn to the mysterious beauty. Can Jenna risk telling Stone and her daughter the truth, or will she have to hide behind the face of a stranger forever?

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