Taken by Storm

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Содержание книги - Taken by Storm HEATHER MACALLISTER

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What happens on the road…Zoey Archer has a long, glorious history of disaster. Financially, professionally…and, oh, yes, a junkyard full of romantic wreckage. All she wants is a chance to prove that she can be Absolutely Capable and Reliable Zoey. And if that means escorting her sister's high-maintenance purebred dog to the other side of the country, nothing can stop her.Except the weather.Fortunately, craft brewery owner Cameron MacNeil is just as desperate to get to Seattle as Zoey. But while her new travel companion seems like a gift from God, he's also one very hot distraction. And on a cross-country road trip with a blizzard raging outside, there are very few places to hide from the storm….

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