No River Too Wide

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Содержание книги - No River Too Wide Emilie Richards

No River Too Wide - описание и краткое содержание, автор Emilie Richards, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Some betrayals are like rivers, so deep, so wide, they can't be crossed.But – for those with enough courage – forgiveness, redemption and love may be found on the other side.On the night her home is consumed by fire, Janine Stoddard finally resolves to leave her abusive husband. While she is reluctant to involve her estranged daughter, she can't resist a chance to see Harmony and baby Lottie in Asheville, North Carolina, before she disappears forever.Harmony's friend Taylor Martin realizes how much the reunited mother and daughter yearn to stay together, and she sees in Jan a chance to continue her own mother's legacy of helping women in need of a fresh start. She opens her home, even as she's opening her heart to another newcomer, Adam Pryor. But enigmatic Adam has a secret that could destroy Taylor's trust…and cost Jan her hard-won freedom.

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