Secrets of the Lost Summer

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Содержание книги - Secrets of the Lost Summer Carla Neggers

Secrets of the Lost Summer - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carla Neggers, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

New York Times bestselling author Carla Neggers returns to her contemporary romance roots with a heartwarming tale of riches lost and found.Beneath the surface lie the greatest treasures. A wave of hope carries Olivia Frost back to her small New England hometown nestled in the beautiful Swift River Valley. She's transforming a historic home into an idyllic getaway. Picturesque and perfect, if only the absentee owner will fix up the eyesore next door….Dylan McCaffrey's ramshackle house is an inheritance he never counted on. It also holds the key to a generations-old lost treasure he can't resist…any more than he can resist his new neighbor.Against this breathtaking landscape, Dylan and Olivia pursue long-buried secrets and discover a mystery wrapped in a love story…past and present.“[Neggers] forces her characters to confront issues of humanity, integrity and the multifaceted aspects of love…. Here is intelligent writing that remains highly entertaining." —Publishers Weekly

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