Forever Claimed

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Содержание книги - Forever Claimed Rachel Lee

Forever Claimed - описание и краткое содержание, автор Rachel Lee, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

One night of passion can last forever… Since the death of his claimed mate, the only thing that’s kept Luc’s heart beating is his quest for vengeance. His contempt for rogue vampires runs deep and when a mysterious woman is brutally attacked, Luc’s protective instincts are suddenly reawakened…As a werewolf who can’t shapeshift, all Dani wants is to lead a “normal” life. But when the seductive Luc risks his life to save hers, Dani is torn between everything she believes and a soul-deep desire.Fiercely drawn to each other, these two sworn enemies fall into a passionate alliance. But evil’s wrath and its ability to destroy can’t be underestimated…

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