Dark Deceiver

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Содержание книги - Dark Deceiver Pamela Palmer

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Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.He is the most feared immortal in Esria. . .And now Kaderil the Dark plans to invade the human realm. He's on a mission to steal back the stones of power that they possess, and kill a small band of humans immune to Esri enchantment. But in the human realm he meets Autumn McGinn, who holds the means for him to claim victory–if only she'll betray her people.Something about this vibrant beauty's sweetness and gentle kindness moves him, and though Kade vows to stay away, he must protect her from other Esri hell-bent on destroying the human race. Torn between duty and conscience, can Kade overcome his sinister desires–or will he find redemption in Autumn's vibrant embrace?

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