Tempting the Demon

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - Tempting the Demon Elle James

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Dead demons keep turning up across the city. And it's up to Katya Danske, member of the NYPD's Paranormal Investigation Team, to stop whoever–or whatever–is behind the killing. But long, hot nights with her personal demon, sexy Blaise Michaels, are leaving her little energy to concentrate on her job.Blaise understands Katya's need for space, but now that he's claimed her, he refuses to let his mate out of his sight. Not when a soul-sucking succubus and a massive storm threathen to throw the city into chaos. Besides, she needs his help to harness her own newly discovered powers. But can he convince her that the passion that binds them makes them stronger together than they are apart?

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