Valkyrie's Conquest

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Содержание книги - Valkyrie's Conquest Sharon Ashwood

Valkyrie's Conquest - описание и краткое содержание, автор Sharon Ashwood, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Can a fire-breathing shape-shifter melt a Norse battle maiden's heart?As a Valkyrie, Tyra was created for one purpose: to reap souls for Odin's army. After centuries of walking among mortal warriors, she finally discovers what it is to want a man during a chance encounter with a dragon in human form.Bron has no part in the war between the demons and the gods' chosen people–nor does he want one. Finally free from the oppressive rule of the dragon queen, he desires nothing more than his independence. But, when Tyra is betrayed, he finds he has no choice but to take a side in the struggle between good and evil.Once he joins the battle, Bron is subject to the Fates, whom Tyra serves. Will she defy the will of the gods to spare the dragon she loves?

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