Bad Boys Do

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Содержание книги - Bad Boys Do Victoria Dahl

Bad Boys Do - описание и краткое содержание, автор Victoria Dahl, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Just how good can a bad boy be? Olivia Bishop is no fun. That’s what her ex-husband said. And that’s what her smart bob and glasses imply. So with her trademark determination, Olivia sets out to remake her life. She’s going to spend time with her girlfriends and not throw it all away for some man.But when an outing with her book club leads her to a brewery taproom, the dark-haired beauty realizes that trouble – in the form of sexy Jamie Donovan – may be too tempting to avoid. Jamie Donovan doesn’t mean to be bad. Sure, the wild streak in his wicked green eyes has lured the ladies before.Now it’s time to grow up. He’s even ready for a serious romance. But how can that be when Olivia, the only right woman he has ever met, already has him pegged as wrong?"Sparkling, special and oh so sexy–Victoria Dahl is a special treat!" –Carly Phillips, New York Times bestselling author

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