A Kingdom Besieged

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Содержание книги - A Kingdom Besieged Raymond E. Feist

A Kingdom Besieged - описание и краткое содержание, автор Raymond E. Feist, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Discover the fate of the original black Magician, Pug, and his motley crew of agents who safeguard the world of Trigia, as prophecy becomes truth in the Midkemian trilogy.THE KINGDOM BESIEGEDThe Darkness is coming…The Kingdom is plagued by rumour and instability. Kingdom spies in Kesh have been disappearing – either murdered, or turned to the enemy side. Information has become scant and unreliable; but one thing appears clear. Dark forces are on the move…Since Pug and the Conclave of Shadows enforced peace after the last Keshian invasion, the Empire has offered no threat. But now factions are rising and Jim Dasher reports mobilizations of large forces in the Keshian Confederacy.As the men of the West answer the King's call to muster, Martin conDoin – left as caretaker of Crydee Keep – will suddenly be confronted with the vanguard of an invading army. He reminds himself that he is a year older than his legendary ancestor, Prince Arutha, was when he stood firm against the Tsurani invasion, but Arutha had an army to command, and Martin is left with old men and young boys.Massive events are about to unfold, events which threaten the future of all human life in Midkemia…

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