Her Last Wild Ride

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Содержание книги - Her Last Wild Ride ABBY GREEN

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Some guys know just what a girl needs…Fresh off a brutal break-up—with a guy who was running for the World's Biggest Liar—Ashling Sullivan has returned to New York City to start over. Priority number one is getting her new business started with her BFF, Jenna. Hence their strict no-guys pact. No dating, no sex, no exceptions! Until temptation walks into her brother's bar in the form of a really, really hot guy!She must resist. She will resist. Except that Johnny Ryan, with his cool, edgy but brooding attitude (what is it with this guy?) and his so, so strong carpenter's hands, is six-foot-three inches of ripped, Irish sexiness that turns Ash into a puddle of lust in about half a second. Worse yet, he offers her a deal that she can't refuse?a down-'n'-dirty and wickedly hot two-week fling. Just one last ride before she gets down to business. No-one would know! Ash is definitely not thinking with her head or her heart when she agrees…Because this thing with Johnny goes way deeper than just chemistry. And what started as a last, wild ride with a bad boy is definitely headed for major head-on collision…

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