The Mistresses: Make-Believe Mistress

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Содержание книги - The Mistresses: Make-Believe Mistress Katherine Garbera

The Mistresses: Make-Believe Mistress - описание и краткое содержание, автор Katherine Garbera, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A seductive, passionate trilogy by Katherine GarberaMake-Believe MistressSchool headmistress Grace Stephens never thought her fantasies could become public. But millionaire businessman Adam Bowen had read her secret love story that she’d written all about them and he wanted her to act out every word! Leaving Grace no choice but to go from his make-believe mistress to his very real one.Six-Month MistressYears ago, in a desperate move, Belle McNamara had agreed to become millionaire Jeremy Harper’s temporary mistress. He would never know that she’d already fallen madly in love with him. But now, finally, she had six very intimate months to work on her own plan: becoming Jeremy’s beloved wife! High-Society Mistress Refused a promotion by her tycoon father, heiress Tempest Lambert went to his worst enemy, devastatingly handsome Gavin Reynard, who had made millions as a corporate raider. Gavin still had a score to settle; using Tempest as a pawn in his takeover game was tempting. Making her his mistress – that was an offer he couldn’t refuse.

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