Master of Fortune / Marrying the Lone Star Maverick: Master of Fortune / Marrying the Lone Star Maverick

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Содержание книги - Master of Fortune / Marrying the Lone Star Maverick: Master of Fortune / Marrying the Lone Star Maverick Katherine Garbera, Sara Orwig

Master of Fortune / Marrying the Lone Star Maverick: Master of Fortune / Marrying the Lone Star Maverick - описание и краткое содержание, автор Katherine Garbera, Sara Orwig, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Master of FortuneIf Henry Devonshire wished to inherit his dying father’s empire, he had to make Everest Records a huge success. And the one person who could help him, Astrid Taylor, was also the only woman he wanted. Mixing business with pleasure was never wise, but this time, it could literally cost Henry more than he was prepared to lose! Marrying the Lone Star Maverick He needed a wife…fast. And his lovely new assistant would do just fine. After all, the heat between him and Holly was becoming impossible to resist. And a no-strings marriage would certainly work for both of them. Yet once he put the ring on her finger, Jeff wondered could he keep feelings out of this in-name-only union?

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