The Moretti Heir / Billionaire Extraordinaire: The Moretti Heir / Billionaire Extraordinaire

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Содержание книги - The Moretti Heir / Billionaire Extraordinaire: The Moretti Heir / Billionaire Extraordinaire Katherine Garbera, Leanne Banks

The Moretti Heir / Billionaire Extraordinaire: The Moretti Heir / Billionaire Extraordinaire - описание и краткое содержание, автор Katherine Garbera, Leanne Banks, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Moretti Heir Katherine Garbera His competitor’s daughter had come to him with the ultimate request: impregnate her to free their families of the curse that plagued them. The chemistry between Marco and Virginia was electric. Yet in begetting the Moretti heir they were falling in love with the opposition!Billionaire Extraordinaire Leanne Banks The key to achieving all Damien desired lay in the hands of sweet new secretary, Emma Weatherfield. She could reveal the privileged information he so desperately wanted. But in order to gain Emma’s trust, he had to win her love and do it without entrapping himself… Irresistible Strong, rich, sexy men – almost too hot to handle!

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