The Good, the Bad and the Wild

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Содержание книги - The Good, the Bad and the Wild Heidi Rice

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One of the good guys? Nick Delisantro is famous – for his scripts, for his looks, and above all for his ruthless bad-boy charm. Eva, on the other hand, has spent her life being an overlooked wallflower! Now she’s got to meet with Mr Tall, Dark and Brooding or her only chance of promotion is over…Nick can’t stop staring at the mysterious blushing girl who’s dressed like a vixen but frozen under his gaze like a rabbit in headlights… He can’t wait to see what’s behind that innocent front!But Nick’s about to get far more than he’d bargained for – not only does Eva have the key to his secret past, but there’s nothing more dangerously addictive than a good girl going wild…

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