My Greek Island Fling

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Содержание книги - My Greek Island Fling Nina Harrington

My Greek Island Fling - описание и краткое содержание, автор Nina Harrington, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Could writing someone else’s life story mean re-writing her own? Sipping a cocktail under the warm Greek sun, Lexi Sloane can almost taste success. Ghost-writing a celebrity memoir on a postcard-perfect island will be the career breakthrough she’s been working towards for years…but only if she can persuade the infuriatingly guarded Mark Belmont to open up about his famous mother.Mark grew up in the spotlight and learned young to stay cautious and alert to intrusion, so Lexi has her work cut out. Lexi is hiding too – behind the experiences of those she writes about… Could she learn to be the star of her own life? If you like the films Mamma Mia or Love Actually, you’ll love this.

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