A Buckhorn Baby

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Содержание книги - A Buckhorn Baby Lori Foster

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A sizzling new Buckhorn Brothers novella from New York Times bestselling author Lori FosterIf there's one thing headstrong bookstore owner Amber Hudson knows, it's how to get what she wants. And what she wants most is for Noel Poet, the hottest firefighter in Buckhorn, Kentucky, to finally admit they have a future together. But when life throws her an unexpected curveball, Amber must face the fact that she's set her sights on something that could be out of reach forever.Noel might be head over heels for Amber, but he has no intention of letting her call all the shots. He's determined to play Amber's game his own way—and remind her that some things are worth fighting for. Yet when Amber gets the shock of her life, games are the last thing on his mind. Because now it's time to prove that old demons are no match for the happy-ever-after that could be theirs…Don't miss the other titles in the Buckhorn Brothers series!

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