The Billionaire's Bedside Manner / Her Innocence, His Conquest: The Billionaire's Bedside Manner / Her Innocence, His Conquest

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Содержание книги - The Billionaire's Bedside Manner / Her Innocence, His Conquest: The Billionaire's Bedside Manner / Her Innocence, His Conquest Robyn Grady, Jules Bennett

The Billionaire's Bedside Manner / Her Innocence, His Conquest: The Billionaire's Bedside Manner / Her Innocence, His Conquest - описание и краткое содержание, автор Robyn Grady, Jules Bennett, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Billionaire’s Bedside MannerBillionaire Mateo Celeca had an unexpected beautiful and mysterious visitor on his holiday. Bailey Ross claimed his grandmother had sent her, so he took her with him…to Paris. Being with Mateo soon made Bailey forget all the reasons she’d vowed to avoid romantic entanglements. But falling into bed with him could lead her dangerously close to revealing all her secrets…and falling in love.Her Innocence, His ConquestArchitecture kingpin and expert playboy Zach Marcum gets what he wants – both on the job and in the bedroom. Until sexy, independent and impossible-to-ignore Ana Clark charges into his life. Discovering she’s a virgin makes the seduction stakes even greater, as Zach crosses the line from business to pleasure…

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